Introducing Our Newest Line

Introducing Our newest line TBK Hillcrest Is a line of instructional book written in simple to understand format.
This book will guide you through the step-by-step process of downloading, learning how the program works, and how to record any instrument and vocals with this program. Included are tips on how to make your vocals sound better, guitar sound bigger and how to create your own backup singers. Plus, it will guide you through the process of mixing, mastering and designing your own album. Even if you are beginner, you will be able to understand and operate the program, and it is all done with a touch of humor and loaded with hundreds of photos when those details get overwhelming. The author uses his own songs that were created for this book as examples in the step-by-step instructions. And at the end of the guide, it also covers the legal aspects of the music business, once the album is done.
No other guide out there covers as much detail about the free Audacity program as this one. Even if you are experienced with Audacity, you will find how-to tips that you may not have known. If you have Audacity already on your computer or are planning on downloading it. “Have the Audacity” …is a must-have guide.

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Latest title in the Rick Ryder Ozark Blood series. Ryder is former KC detective that walked out because of the politics involved in the department with his last two dollars he buys a Powerball ® ticket and becomes a billionaire. Now he helps the helpless, as a detective charging a dollar a day, he pays the expenses.

In this mixed-up world we live in, we all need an anchor to hold us in place- God. Ruth Guenzler 'one of a kind' look on things going on in our daily life can give you just that.
PAH Publishing International founded in 2001is an independent publisher, of automotive-based technical manuals, that consist of decoder, interchange, and restoration guides for classic cars. PAH Publishing is growing in its field and now will accept other non-fictional subjects such as history and instructional books.
Golden Roads Publishing was founded in 2015. It is an imprint of PAH Publishing and is the fiction house of the company. We specialize in mystery, romance, and suspense with a hint of a religious tone. Golden Roads also publishes Devotionals and other study aids.